HCG Shots vs. Drops – Maximize Your Weight Loss

Most people looking to lose weight want to maximize their results to shed as much fat as possible in the shortest amount of time. That is what makes the decision between HCG shots vs. drops so important to get right. One will bring astonishing results whereas the other will most likely not.
The HCG diet has been around since the 1950’s. That is when Dr. Simeons discovered that men and women could lose unwanted pounds by combining a very low-calorie diet with HCG injections. The HCG helps to mobilize the fat into action, causing the body to utilize that rather than lean muscle tissue for fuel when it runs out of the daily supply provided by the food that is consumed.
At that time, Dr. Simeons used a protocol that called for daily HCG shots and 500 calories each day. As we explore the differences today between the HCG drops vs. shots, we find that the protocol has changed just a little, but under no circumstances does it call for anything other than injectable HCG.
Here at Weight Loss Medical Center, the daily food intake has increased to 700 calories, but that does not prevent the rapid weight loss that people have always experienced on the HCG diet. We also add injections of vitamin B 12 which helps to provide a boost in energy, immunity, and fat burning.
Why HCG Shots are Better Than HCG Drops
A comparison of HCG drops vs. shots immediately turns up one very important fact – the HCG drops do not contain the real HCG hormone found in the shots. That right there is reason enough to stop and take notice before making a purchase. It is the actual HCG hormone that provides the signals to the brain that the body is not facing starvation. This is what allows for the burning of stored fat rather than muscle.
This is not what occurs with HCG drops, and that is one of the reasons some people often feel as though they are losing lean tissue rather than fat early on in their weight loss program. Research studies have also shown that comparing the HCG shots vs. drops does not have the same effect. More weight is lost, and it is easier to keep it off when utilizing the HCG shots for slimming down the body. There is also less chance of headaches when following Weight Loss Medical Center’s HCG protocol.
Where to Get HCG Shots
Some people ask us about the HCG products they find at their local vitamin or health food stores. These drops, pills, and sprays are not real HCG. Any comparison when looking to decide between HCG shots vs. drops will yield one staggering fact – homeopathic products come and go at a rapid pace. Many are often pulled from store shelves due to false advertising, but then there are always others waiting to take their place – sometimes even from the same companies under different names.
If you want to get real HCG shots, and that is what you should be using if you are going to follow the successful HCG diet protocol to lose weight, contact the diet specialists at Weight Loss Medical Center for help. Our HCG diet clinic and doctors have helped countless women and men throughout the US reach their desired weight in record time.
Do not mistake HCG drops vs. shots as the real thing. The only safe and effective way of losing weight on the HCG diet is with doctor prescribed HCG shots that come from licensed pharmacies right here in the US. That is what you will get with Weight Loss Medical Center.