HCG Protocol Phase 2 – the Weight Loss Secret

One of the biggest weight loss secrets is actually inside our bodies – HCG. This hormone has helped women nourish their growing fetuses even when extreme nausea has limited their intake of food during pregnancy. HCG somehow sends a signal to the brain that the body is not facing starvation, allowing for the burning of stored fat rather than muscle tissue to be used for fetal nourishment. The same process is what makes the HCG protocol phase 2 so effective.
During phase 2 of the HCG diet, a person will be limited to consuming no more than 700 calories a day. This is well above the previous HCG diet protocol phase 2 limits of 500 calories. At that lower level, people were experiencing more headaches and other side effects that are reduced by the increased dietary intake. The good news is that the increase does not affect rapid weight loss. You will still be losing between .5 and 1.5 or more pounds each day.
Eat Your Way to Weight Loss on Phase 2 of the HCG Protocol
Believe it or not, you will still be able to eat your way to weight loss and enjoy it while following the complete HCG diet protocol phase 2. This is made possible by the delicious foods you are consuming each day.
For example, your average day could look something like this:
- Breakfast:
- One egg with a piece of melba toast
- One orange
- Coffee with ½ tablespoon skim milk
- Unlimited water
- Lunch:
- Large salad of mixed leafy greens topped with salad shrimp or lobster and one of our delicious salad dressing recipes
- A handful of strawberries – yes, you can slice them into the salad
- Herbal tea – hot or iced
- Unlimited water
- Dinner:
- Spaghetti and meatballs (made with shirataki miracle noodles)
- Asparagus or another vegetable from the list
- A baked apple for dessert
- Coffee with ½ tablespoon skim milk
- Unlimited water
If you feel the need for snacks between meals on the HCG protocol phase 2, keep an apple with you. This is the ideal snack during the day as it provides additional energy and satisfies a sweet craving at the same time. Foods and beverages can be sweetened with Stevia (available in many different flavors). In fact, we also provide you with some wonderful beverage recipes (think smoothies, frappuccinos, and mock cocktails) that you can have as snacks, midday, or in the evening.
Weight Loss Medical Center provides an abundance of tasty recipes that you will be able to prepare with ease, and in just a short period of time.
How to Maximize HCG Phase 2 Weight Loss
The best way to maximize your HCG protocol phase 2 weight loss is to stick to the plan as it is provided to you by Weight Loss Medical Center. Here are some important guidelines to follow:
- Do not eat foods that are not on the allowed list.
- Continue to administer your HCG and vitamin B 12 injections as prescribed.
- Try to engage in gentle physical activity every day – walking, yoga, swimming (no strenuous exercise)
- Drink half your weight in water each day.
- Consume the full 700 calories every day, even if you are not hungry.
By following the guidelines and HCG diet protocol phase 2 prescribed by the doctors at Weight Loss Medical Center, you too can maximize your weight loss and get rid of those unwanted pounds!